September 15, 2006

Viagra's rival claims quicker effect

February 03, 2003

London, Feb 3 (ANI): To enhance men's sexuality, a new sex drug, called Cialis, which claims better sexual stamina and prolong arousal then existing drugs, has now been launched.

According to its developers, the effect lasts 24 hours. More interestingly, some patients who tested it stayed aroused for 36 hours, reports The Sun.

They also say that where Viagra can take over an hour to work and usually allow users to manage sex only once, the new drug gets men ready straight away.

Dr Richard Petty, an impotence specialist at the London Wellman Clinic, said: "My patients are over the moon about a pill that lasts so long. The main complaint about Viagra has been the lack of spontaneity."

"With Cialis a man takes his pill and knows there is a long period in which he can have sex. He can do it before he goes to sleep and again in the morning."

The launch comes amid an ongoing legal row in the US between Viagra's makers Pfizer and Eli Lilly, which developed the yellow, almond-shaped Cialis pills. (ANI)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you are a normal man you donot need a viagra. why have extra pressure to perform . you are not a sex slave.